

garage-door-repairs Winter Effects On Your Garage Door

Winter Effects On Your Garage Door

Winter in Ottawa can be challenging, but many homeowners are veterans of tough weather. The same should go for your garage doors, too. Winter weather can cause stress on the operation of a garage door and you may need a door doctor Ottawa for your garage. Many homeowners use their garage doors multiple times a day, so when winter hits and things aren't functioning properly, it can become a problem. Fortunately, winter damage can be prevented by becoming aware of potential situations and how to avoid them.

What winter weather can do to your garage door


Winter is tough on the multiple parts of your garage door system, but broken springs are probably the most common issue faced by homeowners! Quality garage door springs should last about 10,000 cycles, but it can be difficult to remember checking their performance before winter. You can test your garage door springs by lifting the door halfway up and letting go; if it stays in place with no movement, the springs are fine. To prevent broken springs, any accidents or damage in the winter, make sure to have a safety cable installed. Winter Effects on Your Garage Doors


If water from melting snow accumulates and freezes at the bottom of your garage door, it can seal the door shut with ice. Not only is this annoying when you're trying to leave, but you can also damage your garage door without careful operation. First, try to open the door manually. If that doesn't work, you can scrape and chip away at the ice or try to melt it with hot water. Avoid winter worry by sweeping snow and water away from the base of your garage door.


Homeowners with older garage doors, typically made of wood, often have problems in winter with the door frame swelling. This type of damage leads to friction between the door and frame during operation, which can cause the door to get stuck. While wooden garage doors may look beautiful, they can be pretty high maintenance. If gutters run along your garage, keep them clear of debris to avoid water splashes onto your garage door.

How to prevent winter damage to your garage door


The best way to keep your garage door running smoothly all year-round is to properly inspect and maintain its components! It's recommended to check your garage door every three months by disconnecting the door opener and operating the door manually a few times. You'll want to keep the base of the garage door clear of water, snow and ice to ensure safe operation. Garage door sensors are very sensitive, and a buildup of snow can affect its functioning, in addition to freezing it shut!


Typical garage door openers require lubrication throughout the year to keep each moving part running smoothly. In the cold of Ottawa's winter, these products can change consistency from the severe temperatures. This can make it difficult for the garage door system to function properly, often causing a more strain with each use. Too much lubrication can also be a problem. If the sensor sensitivity level is set to "light", the motor may interpret a different lubricant consistency as blockage, which will cause it to stop mid-use. If you run into problems with maintenance, lubrication or don't want to bother, call in a professional!


Garage door inspection and repairs can be dangerous; leave that stuff to a professional. Door Doctor Ottawa has the expertise to figure out your winter garage door woes and provide you with affordable solutions. If your garage door is struggling to make it through fall, you'll definitely want it replaced before the snow hits. We can provide you with preventative maintenance at any time of the year to ensure your door stays in great shape for many seasons to come. For more information, feel free to Contact Us!

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