What is the process to install a garage door opener?
Is your garage door looking a bit outdated? Are you having trouble opening and closing it manually? If so, it might be time to replace your garage door opener. Replacing or installing a garage door opener is not as easy as it looks.
Read on to walk through the process of replacing a garage door opener, including selecting the right model and installing it correctly.
The Process to Install a Garage Door Opener
When installing a garage door opener, the first step is to check and see if your door is compatible with an opener. Many newer doors have horizontal segments, which are necessary for an opener to be able to connect. If you have an older door in one solid piece, you may need to replace the door itself before moving on to the opener.
Once you've confirmed that your door is compatible, it's time to select the right garage door opener model. After choosing the correct opener model, it's time to install it. Start by attaching the brackets to the garage door using the screws with the opener. Then, attach the rail to the brackets and insert the trolley onto the rail. Once everything is in place, connect the opener to the power source and test it out to ensure it's working properly.
That's all there is to it! Installing a garage door opener is a simple process that anyone can do. Just select the right model for your door and follow the installation instructions carefully. You'll have a brand new garage door opener within no time to make your life much easier.
Why Hire a Door Doctor Professional to Install a Garage Door Opener?
When installing a garage door opener, two main options are: do it yourself or hire a professional. If you're going to install your garage door opener yourself, the first thing you'll need to do is purchase a garage door opener kit. These kits are pretty expensive and need to be handled with care for your safety while installing a garage door opener. So, hiring a professional is the best option if you're not comfortable doing it yourself or if your garage is taller than the standard height.
Installing a garage door opener is a relatively easy project, but it's important to make sure you do it safely and correctly. The Door Doctor offers installation services for garage doors and garage door openers. We'll send a team of experienced professionals to your home to get the job done quickly and correctly. Plus, we offer a warranty on our installation services, so you can rest assured that your new garage door opener will work properly for years to come.
So, contact us now!