

Benefits of Insulated Garage Doors

If you are most homeowners, you will be able to consider a garage door during your home. However, insulating your garage door can provide many benefits. An insulated garage door helps bring down electricity costs and improve the curb appeal of your home. Here are some unsuspected benefits of isolated garage doors:

1. The garage is an important part of your home:

Gone are the days when garage was nothing more than a place to park the car or store old paint cans. Nowadays, it can be used as work-space for contractors and woodworkers. It can be an office for your startup or your rehearsing studio. Kids can use the garage as a makeshift playroom. None of these would be comfortable and pleasant in a poorly-insulated garage. Therefore, insulating the door will turn the garage into a place in which to live and work. Insulated Garage Door: Meaning & Benefits

2. Better Energy Efficiency:

Don’t overlook insulated garage doors amidst options like HVAC and energy efficient windows. If the wall between your home and garage is not insulated, the cold air can transfer into your living space from the garage. Similarly, major gaps in the wall will allow the air escape into your room. It means your HVAC system has to work harder, increasing your electricity bills. Insulating your garage door will make the area more energy efficient. Even if the garage itself is not insulated, an insulated garage door can still reduce your utility bill. For example, the normal temperature inside an uninsulated garage is around 20 to 30°F, but an insulated garage door can bring that temperature up to 42°F. It might not seem like much, but temperatures above freezing point can keep your car, stored chemicals and paint safe.

3. Durability:

Insulated garage doors are durable and withstand the stress of kids, weather, cars and equipment. Modern insulated doors are built with a steel or aluminum frame filled with solid core insulation, which makes them lightweight and tougher than non-insulated garage doors.

4. Insulated Garage Doors are Quieter:

Nobody likes a squeaky garage door.  Uninsulated garage doors panels vibrate when moving, which can make them noisy, and faulty mechanisms, loose track chains or rusty springs make jerking sounds. Insulated doors dampen most of the vibration as each panel is made of tightly fixed layers, eliminating empty spaces and loose materials. They are also heavier than non-insulated doors, making them less likely to vibrate on the track. There are some benefits of insulated garage doors. You can insulate your current door with an insulating kit or replace it with an insulated door. You can choose to do so yourself or contact us to insulate your garage door.

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